
Kit Ancrage Multitubulaire

Le Kit Ancrage Multitubulaire UBA Gripple permet d'assurer une bonne flottaison des réseaux de canalisation enterrés, en supprimant les effets des remous et vibrations liés au coulage du béton.

Demande de Renseignements

Explorer le produit

  • Performance de charge élevée pour garantir la sécurité de l'installation
  • Pas d'engins lourds nécessaires
  • Protection totale contre toutes les forces ascendantes
  • Conçu pour convenir à tout type de sol
  • Disponible en kits prêts à l'emploi pour faciliter la manutention

Charge de travail maximale 400 kg 750 kg
Diamètre de câble 3 mm  4 mm

Pourquoi utiliser les produits Gripple

  • Significant time and labour savings on your project.
  • Our team of expert engineers are always on-hand to offer advice and guidance – making use of our Underground Buoyancy Calculator.
  • Minimised health and safety concerns through reduced time working in trenches and operating machinery
  • Out-of-the-box solutions meaning considerable reductions in packaging, waste, vehicle movements and embodied CO2.
  • Products developed using vast experience gained whilst working in several markets including Civil Construction.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous tous les documents à télécharger. Si vous avez besoin d'informations complémentaires, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter au +33 (0)3 88 95 44 95 et nous serons ravis de vous aider.

Pourquoi utiliser les produits Gripple

  • Significant time and cost savings on your project
  • A range of support services at every stage of your project, provided by our technical team.
  • A range of support services at every stage of your project, provided by a dedicated technical team
  • Innovative, patented solutions designed by an in-house team of engineers
  • Complete, off-site solutions which minimize health and safety concerns

Études de cas

Gripple solutions have delivered faster project completion, enhanced aesthetics and significant reductions in CO2 on a growing number of showcase projects around the world. Take a look at some recent examples.

Centre de Données, Minnesota
24 juillet 2023

Pourquoi utiliser les produits Gripple

  • Significant time and cost savings on your project
  • A range of support services at every stage of your project, provided by our technical team.
  • A range of support services at every stage of your project, provided by a dedicated technical team
  • Innovative, patented solutions designed by an in-house team of engineers
  • Complete, off-site solutions which minimize health and safety concerns


Pourquoi utiliser les produits Gripple

  • Significant time and labour savings on your project.
  • Our team of expert engineers are always on-hand to offer advice and guidance – making use of our Underground Buoyancy Calculator.
  • Minimised health and safety concerns through reduced time working in trenches and operating machinery
  • Out-of-the-box solutions meaning considerable reductions in packaging, waste, vehicle movements and embodied CO2.
  • Products developed using vast experience gained whilst working in several markets including Civil Construction.

Demande De Renseignements

Vous êtes intéressé par notre gamme de solutions Gripple ? Remplissez simplement notre formulaire de demande de renseignements et l'un de nos experts Gripple locaux vous contactera pour vous aider.

Nous aimerions rester en contact avec des informations pertinentes qui, selon nous, pourraient vous intéresser ? Consultez notre politique de confidentialité ici pour plus de détails.*